Israel Exposed

Gen:32:27-28, Gen:35:9-10,

According to the two scriptures above the Almighty spoke to Jacob. Gen:32:27-28, So he said to Him, “ What is your name?” And he said, “Jacob.” He said, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel; for you have striven with the Almighty and with men and have prevailed.

Isa:35:10 The Almighty said to him, You shall no longer be called Jacob. But Israel shall be your name. He called him Israel.

This is supposed to have been our Heavenly Father, Almighty YHVH that said this! But it wasn’t, truth, why? Because it didn’t come true! The supposed changing of Jacob’s name to the pagan name Israel is not true! Jacob blessed Pharaoh when he was 130 years old! Joseph, his son, presented Jacob to Pharaoh in his own name, Gen.47:7. These are just a few instances of Jacob’s name used in the book of Psalms: Ps:76:6, Ps:77:15, Ps:78:5, 78:21, Ps:78:71, Ps:79:7, Ps:81:1, Ps:105:6, Ps:105:10, Ps:114:1.

Isa:40:27, Why do you say, O Jacob and assert Israel, My way is hidden from YHVH, and the justice due Me escapes the notice of My Mighty-One?

The scriptures below are when Joseph brought Jacob his father to Egypt to escape the famine. All the scriptures I use have Jacob’s name, instead of Israel! Jacob was about 130 years old at the time of these scriptures below!

Gen:45:25, Gen:45:27, Gen:46:2, Gen:46:5, Gen:46:6, Gen:46:8, Gen:46:19, Gen:46:22, Gen:46:26, Gen:46:27,

Gen:47:7, Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and presented him to Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh. Gen:47:8, Pharaoh said to Jacob, How many years have you lived? Gen:47:9, So Jacob said to Pharaoh, The years of my sojourning are one hundred and thirty; few and unpleasant have been the years of my life, they have not attained the years that my fathers lived during the days of their sojourning. Gen:47:10, And Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out of his presence.

We are now going to show four scriptures that have Jacob’s name, and the name of Israel in the same scripture like it belongs there! There are many more scriptures like this in the writings of the prophets! Isa:9:8, Isa:10:20, Isa:14:1, Isa:29:23,

We will now list the two untruths!

Gen:32:29, Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but Israel;

Gen:35:10, “Your name is Jacob; You shall no longer be called Jacob. But Israel shall be your Name.” He called him Israel. Gen:35:11, The Mighty-One also said to him, I am the Most High, the Almighty;

Israel = Is is half the name of Isis Ra is an Egyptian moon god El is a pagan god

Can the man Jacob, ever overpower the Almighty?

Jacob’s name has been used by Moses until he died in Egypt after blessing Pharaoh, and telling Pharaoh his age! Jacob’s name has been used 27 times from Gen:45:24, till he died when he had told his sons what will befall them in the days to come! Then Jacob died. Gen:49:33!

The book of Exodus was written sometime close to 1706 B.C., so we know that the lifetime of Jacob was hundreds of years before the Exodus. How many times have people read the name Jacob in the hundreds of places Jacob’s name is written in the writings of the Prophets, by the men and women that have read about Jacob in the Book known as the Bible? Why did the Prophets write Jacob’s name in the writings of the Prophets if Jacob was not his name anymore, but was Israel? There are hundreds of Jacob’s names written of, by many of the Fathers’ Prophets! Why would other Prophets write about Jacob if his name was not Jacob, but Israel? There must be a reason the other Prophets write of Jacob hundreds of years later, even until today! Jacob must not have wrestled with the Almighty! Jacob’s name must still be Jacob! The country that was given to the Jews should be named Jacob, not Israel! The twelve tribes of Jacob should be called the sons of Jacob! Take heed, people! Use the mind our Father gave us to judge this! Why have the sons of Jacob not seen this? Because the Father has his back turned to them?

We will repeat ourselves! If the Father told Jacob; your name is Jacob; you shall no longer be called Jacob. The name Jacob would not be written again in the writings of the Prophets! The name Israel would have been strictly used thereafter, the name Jacob would not have been used thereafter! Take heed, that didn’t happen, did it. They are lying! Jeremiah:8:8, How can you say, We are wise, And the law of YHVH is with us? But behold the lying pen of the scribes Has made it into a lie.

Lesson 34

  Messiah’s Anointing 


Isa 8:20  To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no truth in them. 



YHVH the Father commanded Moses to make the Sacred Oil Of Anointing. Ex.30:22-38, Everything concerning the priesthood was Anointed with this Sacred Oil of Anointing, the Levitical Priests, King David, King Solomon, the Temple, and everything in it, also  Prophets were Anointed with this Sacred Anointing Oil. Everything, and everybody in our Father’s Government was anointed with this sacred oil. The sacred oil of anointing made what ever it was rubbed on sacred! After the Father divorced Israel, Jer.3:8, before the Temple was destroyed, the Ten Commandments, and the Oil Of Anointing were hidden away! It is not possible to Anoint a Messiah without the Oil of Anointing that was hidden away! Messiah means Anointed or rubbed with the sacred oil that Moses was commanded to make by our Father YHVH.  being anointed  with something else as Acts 10:38, declares is denied by the Father. The NT son was not Anointed with the Oil Of Anointing that Moses made! Since the Oil Of Anointing was hidden away. The writer of the Book Of Acts wrote that the son was Anointed with the Holy Spirit by a God?


Acts 10:38, You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed him with the Holy Spirit and with power……….


What does our Father YHVH have to say about this change of Anointing?

 The Law and the Testimony will answer this question below.


Ps.89;34, My Covenant will I not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.


Our Father YHVH says, He will not break His Covenant, He is saying He will not bear false witness. Ex.20:16, Deut.5:20, He is saying he will not lie! If Acts 10:34, were true, ( that the son was anointed with this different anointing with Spirit,)  to be a true Messiah, then the Father would be a liar! Our Father tells us,  


Ex.30:31, You shall speak to the sons of Jacob, saying, This shall be a sacred anointing oil TO ME ( YHVH ) throughout your generations.


Ps.89:34, above tells us very clearly that that YHVH does not alter the word that has gone out of His lips.


Eccl.3:14, I know that whatsoever YHVH does, it shall be forever: nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it.


Anointing by the Holy Spirit? YHVH commanded Moses to tell Israel to use the sacred Oil of Anointing throughout our Generations. Today is also our generation spoken of here. Throughout our  generations means every generation since. Ex.30:31, was written!


Mal.3:6, For I am YHVH I change not


The Law and the Testimony denies that the son is the Messiah because he was not anointed with the Sacred Oil.

 Take Heed!

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